St Stephen's Church of England Primary School

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Step into the Reception Class where young minds blossom into confident learners. Our engaging curriculum, aligned with the British National Primary Curriculum, incorporates adaptive learning methods. Through cooperative activities, children in Reception not only develop essential academic skills but also cultivate social bonds that lay the foundation for a collaborative and supportive learning community.

Currently the children should know and recognise their numbers to 20 and be able to say 1/2 more or less any number between 0 and 20. As a challenge the children can be given the same task in the form of a word problem. Some children have also been practicing counting in 10s and 5s. The above is a good starting point to work on this week.

Please refer to the sound mat to learn/revise their set 1 and 2 sounds. Please cover 1 sound a day and ask children to spell words which contain the sound and write 2 sentences/phrases/ captions depending on ability. Kindly note that the children are working at different levels so it's best to use the mat to identify any gaps which would identify their individual starting point.

Lastly please complete 1 workout per week of home work books and listen to your child read daily for at least 10 minutes, asking them questions about the story, characters and help them identify any tricky words and sign their reading record. Parents and carers can read the book selected by your child for pleasure.

Thank you.

Miss Halil